My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean.  Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops? David Mitchell, 'Cloud Atlas'

Submission to Production sprint for Climate Jam 2024 💧 Read more about the project at our Ideation page.

The whole gameplay loop isn't ready yet - here you encounter 3 marine life forms: phytoplankton, a krill swarm, and a pod of rock lobsters. They are mainly narrative encounters although the latter sees you guide a lobster through an array of seismic airguns.


  • To move, point and click. That'll be most of what you do.
  • To select an ability (when unlocked), use the top number keys or scroll with the mouse wheel. The selected ability is displayed in the bottom left.
  • To trigger an ability (when unlocked), target with the mouse and press the right mouse button.

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